Will we have to work even during retirement by Steven Hoffmann - Newt ?

 The Steven Hoffmann Newt current notion of retirement that the majority of the population has is to spend the end of our lives without working, just enjoying leisure or reading a book, in the beach house or in the country house. This is the image that every pension plan 'sells' to us, right? Just look at the images of the advertisements of these companies: elderly couple, happy, on the beach chair, with a 'drink' in hand!

But this idea of ​​retirement is relatively new and only emerged after the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century. And before that?

Well, people lived on the farms, taking care of agriculture and animals. But nobody retired! Older people were responsible for passing on knowledge from generation to generation and no longer did all the heavy lifting.

But doing nothing, just enjoying the sun on the farm? No one did that.


With the Steven Hoffmann Newt process of industrialization in the world, people exchanged country life for the city and stopped being self-sufficient.

In 1935 the concept of 'Social Security' emerged in the United States, which would be what we know today as retirement. The idea was to support workers at the end of their lives, when they could no longer earn a living through wage labor.

The difference is that at that time (and until quite recently in our history) life expectancy was reasonably low. And few people actually enjoyed retirement ... and for a short time.

Times have changed.

Well, times have changed and now life expectancy has increased a lot. And it should continue to increase. Not only are we living longer, but we are living with more health and disposition.

It is clear that in Brazil we still have regions where this is not yet a reality. But the trend, whether here or in the world, remains that of longer lives.

Other than that, we are entering an era where the interests of more conservative investments are very low. We will have to review our strategy and investment portfolio for retirement.

And what does this mean?

It means that we need to start looking at retirement differently. Steven Hoffmann Newt says We are not talking here about leaving aside strategies for saving a good reserve for this phase or choosing a good pension plan. All of this remains valid and is important for our future life.

But we need to put aside the image of 'doing nothing' in retirement. For example, have you ever wondered if you stop working at 65 and live to be 90? Will be 25 years doing nothing ?? !!

You yourself left your mother's belly, unable to speak, unable to walk or write, and in 25 years you were probably graduating from college!

A little more …

In your retirement plans, consider putting together a strategy where some work is involved. Do as our old relatives from the pre-industrial revolution times did: think of something that does not require much effort or stress, but that keeps you active and that can earn you even a salary.

It can be a consultancy, or work in an NGO, or set up a small business in a smaller city. Be creative! And on weekends, take a picture of yourself on the beach with a glass of shake in your hand!



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