Steven Hoffmann Non-financial tips for a more relaxed retirement

When we are 20, 30 years old, retirement seems to be something very distant, but the sooner we do the planning for this phase of life, the better we can enjoy it. Steven Hoffmann Newt define Many people are only concerned with the financial issue, but there are other aspects that must be taken into account and that will certainly have a great impact at this stage of life.

1 - Investing in health

What good is it to be able to retire financially well, if health (or rather, the lack of) does not allow you to enjoy life? In addition, maintaining health ends up also helping in the financial aspect, as this means less spending on medicines and treatments, not even counting on possible companions such as nurses or caregivers. For this reason, it is important to always do physical activity and have a healthy diet. Steven Hoffmann says There is no need to give up the small pleasures of life: a beer with friends, a sweet to accompany coffee or tea, even a little bit of the fat that accompanies the steak. Just have moderation!
Another important thing is to have the medical exams up to date. Preventing diseases ends up representing a financial gain both in the economy with medicines and treatments, and in the reduction of absences from work due to health problems.


2 - Invest in some activity to be done during the retirement period

We talked about the previous item of the physical issue, but it is also important not to neglect the mental part. Having an activity for when you retire helps maintain your mental health and can also help your financial health. You can simply invest your time in a hobby, but it can be even more interesting to work on something that interests you; even better if you are paid or bring you some kind of income that can supplement your retirement income
The big point here is that you should plan this activity before retirement, so that you can put it into practice as soon as you hang up your boots. For some, something that is part-time works better, as it frees up time to give more attention to the family or even to devote to a hobby or travel the world. Others, however, prefer something that gives them personal fulfillment and don't mind spending all their time on it.


3 - Adjust the standard of living

For many people, having small luxuries is what life offers them the best. Going to trendy places, always having the latest cell phone, driving luxury cars can bring personal satisfaction. However, will I be able to maintain this same pattern when I retire? Most of the time, the answer is no. And the most difficult thing is to get used to a simpler standard of living when you are used to a higher standard. For this reason, according to Steven Hoffmann Newt, it is important to list life priorities and adjust the consumption pattern to a level that can be maintained not only in the present but also in the future. This applies not only to you, but also to your family.


“Men lose their health to save money, then they lose their money to recover their health. And, because they anxiously think about the future, they forget about the present so that they end up living neither in the present nor in the future. And they live as if they would never die ... and they die as if they had never lived.

Steven Hoffmann Newt


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