Future of payment methods: pandemic drives new habits

Far from being better used, traditional payment methods are increasingly in disuse, and this new technology promises to revolutionize the financial market. The road is still long, but the most important is being done: without a first step, nobody moves! Since the Covid-19 pandemic arrived in country, quarantine and social isolation are measures enacted by the World Health Organization (WHO) to prevent the spread of the disease and reduce the curve of infected people in the country. We may not have had enough time yet to understand that our lives have changed profoundly in the past few months and that the new consumption habits that we are learning to deal with will probably remain forever in the post-coronavirus world. During the quarantine, dozens of digital shows were broadcast live on YouTube in order to bring entertainment to the homes and collect donations in kind, tons of food and items for hospitals and charities in fighting the pandemic. Lives, as they are popu...